
The characters in Linda Stauffer‘s series “Misrepresentations” (2020/23) are based on a script for a puppet show that has never been performed. The six protagonists Narrator, Marcell*, Clitoris, Basketball, Gallerist and Lae Bloom, as well as the band Doris Klit live in a fictional sphere. In the small town of PND, gender does not exist, and objects and organs are equal to humans. Here in the exhibition space, the marionettes sit on chairs, suspended from their controls. At this point, their limbs are still connected to the strings. The possibility of performing the play exists, but the characters have long since emancipated themselves from their script and become personalities in their own right. Quite in contrast to what the marionette actually stands for: a will-less puppet whose scope of action is externally controlled.

Johanna Vieli, 2023

Misrepresentations, 2023, exhibition view: What would Cynthia do?, Nest, Zürich, photo: Paulo Wirz
Marcell*, 2023, 115x35x24 cm, wood, metal, papier-mâché, fabric, threads, latex, wool, exhibition view: What would Cynthia do?, Nest, Zürich, photo: Paulo Wirz
Clitoris, 2020, 147x33x16cm, wood, metal, threads, exhibition view: What would Cynthia do?, photo: Paulo Wirz

Narrator, 2023,108x23x18 cm, wood, metal, papier-mâché, fabric, threads, latex, exhibition view: What would Cynthia do?, photo: Paulo Wirz
Doris Klit, 2023, 83x37x30cm, wood, metal, papier-mâché, fabric, threads, latex, exhibition view: What would Cynthia do?, photo: Paulo Wirz
Misrepresentations, 2020, exhibition view: Cold Sweat, De Dood/Het Hem, Amsterdam, Photo: Maarten-Boswijk